Esaphogastric Procedures

Gastroesophageal reflux

If the problem is a hiatal hernia, a laparoscopic hyatoplasty is performed and if it is functional, the creation of a new sfinter is performed with the stomach itself, these procedures are known as funduplicatures, there is treatment.



It’s difficult to pass through the esophagus food and liquid due to a lack of relaxation of the inner esophageal esttering. It can be dangerous if the patient loses a lot of weight.

It has a cure a cardiomyotomy of Heller is performed plus Laparoscopic Nissen


Hiatal hernia

It’s the main cause of gastroesophageal reflux, a hyatoplasty is performed by closing the pillars of the diaphragm returning the patient to its normal anatomy and improving significantly their quality of life.


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