Emergencies And Trauma

obstructive abdomen

It is an obstruction in the small or large intestine that
causesdifficulty in passing normally digested
material through the intestine.

Acute appendicitis

It begins with pain in the right iliac fossa, fever,
vomiting, and anorexia.

Contact immediately.

Acute cholecystitis or cholangitis

Caused by a gallstone blocking the bile duct from the
gallbladder or a stone that has blocked the common
bile duct
. It causes severe pain in the right upper abdome
and back, and may also be accompanied by yellowing of the skin.

Call me immediately.

Blunt trauma

Abdominal trauma can cause injury to our organs
such as the liver, spleen, intestines, and pancreas.

When experiencing, for example, a car accident or a
fall with abdominal impact, we should be examined
by a healthcare professional.

Diagnosis and quick decision-making are crucial
to saving the patient’s life.


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