

Gallbladder diseases are caused by stones, which cause
pain in the right abdominal hernia that occur after eating
fatty foods or copious, the patient may present discomfort
gas, known as biliary colic, when the cystic gallbladder
duct becomes clogged causing a painful inflammatory
response known as cholecystitis, depending on which duct
the cells migrate into. stones can cause choledocholithiasis
and cholangitis characterized by a yellow coloration of
the skin and fever or pancreatitis


They occur when there is an imbalance between salts
and bile, generally due to excess cholesterol. Forms
stones of different sizes that occupy the gallbladder,
so it becomes a gallbladder sick.


The gallbladder with stones contracts and a stone or
stone clogs the cystic duct, when the clogged gallbladder
an inflammatory reaction is created and becomes infected,
giving rise to cholecystitis. Treating it requires laparoscopic surgery.

Biliary colic

When ingesting fats, the gallbladder contracts, and
when something prevents the outflow of bile, usually
tones, intense cramping pain occurs in the upper
right abdomen.

For these diseases of the gallbladder the solution
surgical is:

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Colelap)

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